“Meg Hutchinson is an extraordinary singer, songwriter, and advocate for those with mental illness. She is able to articulate the experience of mania and depression in a way I have not heard before; she is also able to weave together her music, life story, and hope in a beautiful and profoundly moving way.”
— Kay Redfield Jamison, Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
“Meg speaks in a voice disarmingly authentic. Her spontaneity and conversational tone readily invite a deeper dialogue. And when she sings, she touches a place in the human heart that only great art can. Her approach clearly resonates with students at my college for whom her message has proven transformative.”
- Ted Rueff, PsyD, LP Macalester College
“Meg Hutchinson is like a combination of Benjamin Franklin providing simple but profound words to live by, Florence Nightingale healing deep wounds, and a lark singing of better times ahead for persons with serious mental illness in recovery. Palpably sharing her own experience in using mind/body transformation and holistic approaches to recovery, Meg highlights the need to shift our treatment models to better address the physical, spiritual and creative needs of persons with serious mental illness. She has a comfortable, engaging presence in front of an audience that can disarm the doubters to at least actively consider her points of view. Meg is a cornucopia of wisdom, warmth and entertainment.”
— Jeffrey Geller, MD, MPH Professor of Psychiatry, UMASS Medical School