The Morning I Was Born: A Month in Poems
The Kindle Edition of The Morning I Was Born has just been released! A second edition paperback printing will be available in November. You can also hear Meg read select poems on her new live album How Many Miles.
“Inspired by my mother who has written a poem every morning for a decade, I set out to do the same for the month of April. Each day she would send me an assignment and I would sit down with my first cup of tea to see what words arrived. The fact that I had to write in a limited amount of time freed me. The poems tumbled out.
It is difficult to know whether there is more death or birth in these pages. What I do know now is that they are woven together in a perfect cloth. A daughter finds her mother again. An illness opens a door for spiritual growth. Forgiveness comes by journeying back to the beginning, and a deep joy lives within each sorrow.”